The last few weeks have been very exciting in our classroom. We have been getting back into our structure, and for my new students it has been a time to get adjusted to my routines.
One of my favorite things to do in order to review some of the basics, is to have students interview one another. We do this in steps of course!
So, with each "grammar point" I want them to review, we sample some questions and possible answers. Then they must walk around and interview other people. Our follow up is to come together as a class and make some conclusions.
So, if we are reviewing the verb SER, our key question is ¿Cómo eres? First, students must look through our list of adjectives (from a previous lesson on gender and number) and decide how they would describe themselves. Then they walk around and interview one another. The last step is for some volunteers to report on the people they interviewed. For a competitive twist, I jot down the adjectives students share into a march madness bracket. When filled out, we practice the plural questions of ¿Cómo somos? and ¿Cómo son?. The adjective that receives the most votes, moves on. This is a fun a way to find out things we have in common and things that makes us different!
Similar interview/report activities took place with the verbs, tener, estar, ir, and gustar. At the end of the unit, as we prepare for our formal assessment, the students put everything together into an "all about me" infographic! Here are some samples from my students this trimester.
How do you review some of these basics in your classroom?
*Update* Download the template here
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